Burnley sikrer sig Championship-titlen med smal sejr over Jon Dahl og Blackburn
Efter en enkelt sæson i den næstbedste række vender Burnley efter sommerferien tilbage til Premier League, og de gør det som vindere af The Championship.
Oprykningen var for længst sikret, men tirsdag blev pokalen det også.
Burnley sikrede med en 0-1-sejr ude mod Jon Dahl Tomasson og Blackburn på Ewood Park EFL Championship trofæet matematisk.
I modsætning til de fleste andre sekundære nationale ligaer er der nemlig et trofæ til vinderen af The Championship. Trofæet blev, indtil oprettelsen af Premier League i 1992, uddelt til de engelske mestre.
Det var den belgiske angriber, Manuel Benson, der med sin scoring efter 66 minutters spil sikrede Burnley de tre point, der gør, at det ikke længere er matematisk muligt for Sheffield United på andenpladsen at hente dem.
Med tirsdagens nederlag har Jon Dahl Tomasson og Blackburn til gengæld kniven for struben frem mod deres kommende to kampe.
Blackburn er á point med Sunderland, der lige nu indtager den sjetteplads, der giver adgang til playoff-kampene om oprykning til Premier League.
Blackburn møder i sæsonens to resterende kampe to tophold i form af Luton på tredjepladsen og Millwall på syvendepladsen. Du kan se hele tabellen nederst i denne artikel.
Soccer Football – Championship – Blackburn Rovers v Burnley – Ewood Park, Blackburn, Britain – April 25, 2023 Burnley players celebrate with inflatable replica championship trophies on the pitch after winning the match to become champions Action Images via Reuters/Lee Smith EDITORIAL USE ONLY.No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or ‘live’ services. Online in-match use limited to 75 images, no video emulation.No use in betting, games or single club /league/player publications. Please contact your account representative for further details.
Soccer Football – Championship – Blackburn Rovers v Burnley – Ewood Park, Blackburn, Britain – April 25, 2023 Burnley players celebrate with inflatable replica championship trophies on the pitch after winning the match to become champions Action Images via Reuters/Lee Smith EDITORIAL USE ONLY.No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or ‘live’ services. Online in-match use limited to 75 images, no video emulation.No use in betting, games or single club /league/player publications. Please contact your account representative for further details.
Soccer Football – Championship – Blackburn Rovers v Burnley – Ewood Park, Blackburn, Britain – April 25, 2023 Burnley manager Vincent Kompany celebrates on the pitch after winning the match to become champions Action Images via Reuters/Lee Smith EDITORIAL USE ONLY.No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or ‘live’ services. Online in-match use limited to 75 images, no video emulation.No use in betting, games or single club /league/player publications. Please contact your account representative for further details.
Soccer Football – Championship – Blackburn Rovers v Burnley – Ewood Park, Blackburn, Britain – April 25, 2023 Burnley manager Vincent Kompany celebrates on the pitch after winning the match to become champions Action Images via Reuters/Lee Smith EDITORIAL USE ONLY.No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or ‘live’ services. Online in-match use limited to 75 images, no video emulation.No use in betting, games or single club /league/player publications. Please contact your account representative for further details.
Soccer Football – Championship – Blackburn Rovers v Burnley – Ewood Park, Blackburn, Britain – April 25, 2023 Burnley players celebrate on the pitch after winning the match to become champions Action Images via Reuters/Lee Smith EDITORIAL USE ONLY.No use with unauthorized audio, video, data, fixture lists, club/league logos or ‘live’ services. Online in-match use limited to 75 images, no video emulation.No use in betting, games or single club /league/player publications. Please contact your account representative for further details.
Foto: Lee Smith/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix
Med to kampe tilbage har Burnley fortsat muligheden for at nå op på i alt 101 point.
De vil i så fald være det bare sjette hold, der runder et trecifret pointantal.
Der er tidligere sket for: – Fulham (101 point i 2001) – Leicester (102 point i 2014) – Newcastle (102 point i 2010) – Sunderland (105 point i 1999) – Reading (106 point i 2006)